How to Care for Your Plancha
The Cook Top
- The cook top is pre-seasoned and ready to cook after a light washing with soap and water right before your first cook.
- We recommend cooking with a high temp oil such as avocado oil.
- Scrape food residue off when hot, deglaze with water and scrape again.
- Once the surface has cooled we like to use a pumice stone and water for cleaning. A green scotch-brite and a light hand would also work well.
- Do not scrub off the black carbon layer. That is your seasoning.
- Oil with cooking oil immediately after every cleaning.
When not in use keep the cooking surface very well oiled to prevent rust.
Storage under a roof is recommended. A cover that prevents air circulation can lead to rusting. Best to keep well ventilated and well oiled with cooking oil.
The Stand
The stand has been pre-waxed to protect it from rusting. It can be allowed to rust naturally over time or you can apply wax as desired.
We use a bowling alley wax like this: https://restorationproduct.com/shop/bowling-alley-wax/. Any good quality carnauba wax will also work. We do not recommend car wax. It will leave a white haze.
To apply the wax: Heat the steel stand until you can see the water being driven off. This happens at about 250 degrees. Paint on the wax with a disposable brush, if the wax smokes the steel is too hot. Polish when cool.
The Fire Bowl
The fire bowl will develop rust over time. This is natural as it is exposed to the drying effects of the fire. No special care needed.
Our Guarantee
All of our cookware is guaranteed for life. The only exception we make is for rust since this is completely dependent on your ongoing care of your cookware. Because the Plancha is an outdoor piece proper oiling of the cook top and protection from the elements as needed is a must to prevent rusting.
Should your Plancha top inadvertently become so rusted as to be un-useable, please contact us. We will gladly give you advice. If it is severe you will be more than welcome to bring or send the cook top to us so Peter can replace it at cost. He may not be able to do so immediately but will fit it into his shop schedule ASAP.